More chaos this week, but still got some stuff done.
Managed to get most of the core UI and the game UI up and running. Everything is broken and barely playable, but it's quickly coming back together nicely. It's nice to be actually able to play the game again for the first time in what feels like over a month.
Charge Tasks completed:
- UI: In Game: Stubbed out all base UI.
- Ui: In Game: End turn button
- Ui: In Game: Turn and order Info
- UI: In Game: Waiting for players to connect
- UI: Armies Page
- UI: ArmyBuilder
- UI: New Roster - Pick Armylist
- UI: Armybuilder - Add Unit
- UI: Army Builder: Army Details page
- UI: Armybuilder: Set Roster Details
- UX: controller pass
- UI: FIll out details for each UI Pageview
- UI: Design system
- UI-Background handler