Interloper was more or less at this stage when I decided to launch it, all the pieces were in place, but it could've used a lot more love. None of the remaining bugs are totally game breaking, and none of the rough edges would turn away a dedicated fan of the genre, but they'll add up for prospective new fans, so I'm determined to make sure this release is as polished and clean as possible, even if it takes me another couple months to launch the game.
Forty two bugs down in this sprint, only counting the one's I'd added to my task list. Some of these range from simple UI issues to frustrating game breaking problems. Some as recently introduced as last week, others have been around since I first launched the game in early beta. Those older ones in particular are nice to wave goodbye to.
And in the meantime I'm still polishing up edges, adding new animations, updating sound effects, clearing up jankiness wherever possible. It all leads to the game feeling less like a tech demo and more like something that's worthy of shipping!
The new animations for switching units are so much fun
At my count there's another forty more bugs to clear out, and another twenty odd features to modify, extend or upgrade to go with the game. I'm at the tail end of developing it, and am really starting to look forward to playtesting it with a wider audience.
In other news though, I came across a recently released title: SOVL. It's a singleplayer and multiplayer turn based rank and flank game, and it plays so much like Charge . The dev has achieved everything I wanted to do with Charge, and in many ways has done a way better job than I could've mustered. I've been playing the absolute heck out of it over the past few days and I'm super impressed. The addition of a rougelite campaign structure really makes the rank and flank format shine, and is even a nice throwback to the mechanics of old GW gems like Shadow of the Horned Rat!
Seriously, its free, its excellent, if you even remotely liked the concepts I talked about in Charge, go give them some of your time (or even better, buy some DLC!) (the ratkin, you want to buy the ratkin yes yes!)
Exoloper Tasks completed:
Bug: UI: Shouldn't be able to launch extract with zero items
Bug: UI: Input field in save loadout popup doesn't clear on open
Bug: UI: Input field in loadout keeps placeholder when typing into it?
Bug: exits still not showing properly on drop sequence, on device
Bug: Fortress seems to be the only combat map that gets populated
Bug: UI: reset data popup needs to close + need to take us back to main menu on reset all data confirm
Bug: When viewing other pages in campaign, sometimes touch on POI becomes unresponsive
Bug: oversubscription of "add unit" campaign adds phantom units
Bug: Current slot in roster no longer changes
Bug: Ai missiles are guided
Bug: Sprites are now improperly rotated
Bug: All Campaign objectives always show as not completed in campaign extract menu
Bug: Having a seperate canvas for each POI in campaign blows out draw calls.
Bug: iPhone landscape safe area isn't working
Bug: HUD layout overlaps badly on mobile landscape
Bug: sometimes teamcolour trimsheet shows on Exos after deleting a unit
Bug: When inspecting the info for a weapon to add to a unit, pressing back takes you back to edit unit, instead of weapon list page
Bug: "clearing slot" in edit unit takes you back to roster, not edit unit
Bug: Equipping and unequipping / deleting units can lose items in roster builder
Bug: Main menu bug report button should always be bottom right side, even on tablets
Bug: Utilities no longer function after multiple battles.
Bug: Utilities no longer show their icons
Bug: Toggling torso twist on iOS requires two taps (double toggle?)
Bug: Exits aren't all properly accessible across levels
Bug: No exit icons in intro map for industry
Bug: Respawns POI in combat showing up in game?! (industrial intro)
Bug: Fresh install with no iCloud keys breaks on null key. (HIGH PRIORITY)
bug: Level: Fortress, Cannot leave, exits are blocked inside terrain
Bug: second Paper Doll sometimes shows up in camping / drop sequence
Bug: Nullref after losing campaign then switching campaigns
Bug: Hills map has no exits?
Bug: Suspect that modify hud doesn't work in menu
Bug: Not usubscribing from paint view properly
Bug: UAV Uses are at -1 on new campaign
Bug: weapon_burst_count not present in default part effect data.
Bug: Nullref while modifying hud (touch reposition) in menu
Bug: nullref "top speed" no default string value (some info screen items have no default strings)
Bug: Tanks make track noises in hangar.
Bug: Nullref in tutorial coroutine
Bug: Unit structural parts are in the loot tables
Bug: Enemies don't appear in hud on drop mission
Bug: Performance sucks on campaign on iPad mini landscape
Graphics: Shield needs better shader
Graphic Design: Melee Weapons need icons
Graphics: add paint smoke to unit when painting in hangar
Feature: Tie campaign length + objectives to difficulty level
Feature: Limit Loadouts per unit type
Feature: Per unit camera positions in Hangar.
Feature: Drop sequence mission should just be "escape"
UI: Campaign: Extracts need to be way better telegraphed
UI: Haptics needed on toggles in repair cells in exobay
UI: sliders should fire haptics
UI: iCloud status in settings
SFX: UI: Audio
Audio: UI - Campaign Extract item rarities
Audio: UI - settings sliders need audio. (specific ones for SFX and Music